Healing -Body ,mind, emotion and our energy field .
Little understanding and exploration of the components of our true self leads to confusions,direction and further course of action.
Healing as we desire happens in various fields of our existence.
1-Physical and organic feild
2-The mental and thought procedural feild
3-Emotional and feeling feild
4-pure energetic field
Quest and zest for living,an inexorable desire for exploration further,an unsatiable indulgence with life of bliss and harmony .Attachments and involvement with any or every field is the experiences we create for ourselves.
Do we want intense ,varied and deep experiences in physicality -pleasing and titillating our senses with food,music,plays,drama,sex,pornthe list is endless.Beginning with the gross and tangible , is our physical body .our mental and intellectual fields is creating experiences of interpretation,judgements,analysis and thus deducing the theory best explained and understood by the mind -rationalisation and integration to feel good about the fact-yes I understand.
The emotional field of feelings and sensations are the indicators of feeling pleasant or unpleasant in the various facets of life And the finest innermost layer is the pure energetic sphere-uncorrupt,undiluted,unified,integrated and in congregation.
Getting to the core,touching the central chord ie being in harmony with our energetic sphere -in the moment of complete silence and acceptance is the key to healing
HEALING- As I discover and explore myself today is simply
H -Hug yourself
E-Embrace yourself
A-Accept yourself
L -Love yourself
Without any filters of if’s and buts.without any conditions and prerequisites. Without any predefined notion of your perfect ‘self’.For you are the one- who can heal yourself .counsellors,healers and health practitioners are the facilitators who will hold your hand gently yet the journey is totally yours. HEAL yourself and HEAL the world. As no-one but you have been given this beautiful life to honour and value